Saturday, March 19, 2005

what do red-state valedictorians do for fun? Posted by Hello
Friday, March 11, 2005

just for the record, here is the Korean flag. Posted by Hello
  Mandate my ass it's as blue as the Korean Flag(click here)

In this country, political decisions are not determined by area topography which would purport the image that the tyrants of 2000 (recall tyranny by definition is the assumption 0f power by means other than legitimate) were handed a re-election mandate in 2004. The University of Michigan study at the attached link introduces the concept of a cartogram which re-adjusts the sizes of states from area to population. Rhode Island which has 1/6th the area and twice the population of Wyoming for example bares greater relevance to the totality of American opinion than the red state/blue state bullshit that Fox News would have you believe constitutes a G.O.P. mandate. Posted by Hello

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