Sunday, June 11, 2006
  A very good week for the good guys!

Tuesday June 6: The notorious sign of the antichrist (666) comes and goes without the rapture (wphew! that was close!) . Easily mistakable for said demon, Ann Coulter jumped the shark, getting faced on The Today Show by Matt Lauer who forced her to defend her quote in reference to the 911 widows "I never saw anyone enjoy their husbands' deaths so much." As patriots on both sides of the aisle came out against anorexic Annie, did we forget that the very formation of a 911 commission only came to pass because of the the persistence of a few brave widows (who she derided as "The Witches of East Brunswick") ?. Did we forget to ask why the White House opposed creating a 911 commission?

Wednesday June 7: أبومصعب الزرقاوي‎ (October 1966-June 7, 2006) Abu Musab al Zarqawi self-proclaimed leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq . Later that day Senate Republicans fail to pass The President's "Defense of Marriage act" which would have written discrimination against homosexuals into law.

Thursday June 8: US Senate fails to repeal the Federal Estate Tax. Despite Republican efforts to convince The American electorate that a "death tax" was bad for the economy
(slightly less than 1% of estates were eligible to be taxed in 2003).

Once upon a time there was actually a decent Republican who among other things said,"You can can fool some of the people all of the time, You can fool all of the people some of the time,but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

Abraham Lincoln

"And on the seventh day God ended his work. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
Genesis 1:27

Baruch Hashem, Ali Akbar, Praise the Lord !

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