Monday, September 19, 2005
Campaign advisor now participates in the President's cabinet meetings. Affectionately known as "turdflower" and "the architect," despite promises from the president that anyone in his staff who "outed" a CIA agent would be fired, Karl Rove remains in possession of his white house security pass as the standard for dismissal has now been raised to the commission of a crime.
This is 30-year Pentagon procurement expert Bunnatine (Bunny Greenhouse) who was recently demoted by the United States Army Corp of Engineers for criticizing a "no-bid" $7 Billion contract awarded to Kellog Brown & Root, a Haliburton subsidiary to rebuild Iraqi oil fields. A stickler for the rules, when her observations were disregarded, she handwrote her notations of deviations from procedure on the actual contract sumaries to create the appropriate paper trail. These notes were considered "confusing" and she was accordingly demoted for her poor performance. Note however that prior to her comments about the 2003 no-bid Haliburton contracts, MS Greenhouse (wife and mother of 3) received only acalades and 3 masters degrees in procurement and engineering while dutifully serving our armed forces. Despite due warnings, she stuck to her guns and is now a heralded whistle blower. Go Bunny Go!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dale Carnegie once said in his treatise HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE, if you were right 51% of the time, you could make a million dollars a day on Wall Street. Well I was wrong about Cindy Sheehan. I am terribly sorry that she lost her son Casey, and I applaud her for intimidating the president and raising the nation's consciousness about our war dead, I cannot abide by her solution to Peace in the Middle East and How to Cure Terrorism. Specifically, Shehan prescribes the end of the US occupation of Iraq and the end of Israeli occupation of Arab lands. HELLO!!! In case you were not aware, Israel is a sovereign nation that has existed for 57 years despite having 300 million hostile Arab neighbors who would love nothing more than to "fill the sea with Jewish blood." Tell you what Cindy, when the US returns Azatlan (25% of today's continental United States that once belonged to Mexico) we'll talk about the West Bank and Golan. Until then Cindy, quit while you are ahead. Raising our consciousness about our tragic losses including Casey is of value, but your cure for terrorism is offensive and naive.

You don't have to be an Einstein to figure this one out. Most Western Governments are formed by coalition. In this case the monied interests and the religious right, neither of whom had a majority among the electorate joined together to protect the presidency of George Bush who has dutifully continued to support tax cuts for the wealthy, protection of the flag, and those precious embryonic stem cells which would otherwise contribute to the aggregate body of biohazardous waste. Claiming a mandate of almost 51%, there is no reason to protect interests that differ from those of the coalition. Do you think that's why the President was more concerned with the destruction of Trent Lott's summer home, than the hungry, homeless and dying people of color in New Orleans?

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