Monday, September 19, 2005
This is 30-year Pentagon procurement expert Bunnatine (Bunny Greenhouse) who was recently demoted by the United States Army Corp of Engineers for criticizing a "no-bid" $7 Billion contract awarded to Kellog Brown & Root, a Haliburton subsidiary to rebuild Iraqi oil fields. A stickler for the rules, when her observations were disregarded, she handwrote her notations of deviations from procedure on the actual contract sumaries to create the appropriate paper trail. These notes were considered "confusing" and she was accordingly demoted for her poor performance. Note however that prior to her comments about the 2003 no-bid Haliburton contracts, MS Greenhouse (wife and mother of 3) received only acalades and 3 masters degrees in procurement and engineering while dutifully serving our armed forces. Despite due warnings, she stuck to her guns and is now a heralded whistle blower. Go Bunny Go!
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