Monday, October 31, 2005
  4 horsemen of the apocolypse?
“Last week after Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination, I asked the President: "Who was in charge? Today, the President answered: the radical conservative right is in charge of his Administration. Instead of seeking to unify the country with a nominee who would command wide consensus, the President again chose to submit to the dictates of the radical right. The President’s nomination of Judge Alito reflects weakness – the President is unable or unwilling to withstand pressure by an extreme element in our country, rather than acting as a leader of all the people." -Nancy Pelosi (D) California
I agree with her comment.

Maybe you can answer this question for me Azeem. I am very much into politics and I want to know it all, but ofcourse there is too much to know and secrecy doesn't help either.

Why does Bush refuse to create an administration that represents all walks of life?
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