Saturday, October 08, 2005
  Do you disagree with the address of this blog(bushistoodumb)? Does anyone really "hate to say I told you so?"
Hey Don't look at me, I voted for the swiftboat captain.
Congratulations to all you "fiscal conservatives" who along with Ohio and New Mexico's secretaries of state have brought us record deficits, cronyism,deterioration of the dollar, 2000 dead in Iraq, and now possible removal of woman's right to make decisions over her own body.I consoled West Side Wendy on Nov 3rd 2004 (after Russert and Brokaw counted Ohio in the Bush camp)that political climate sways and sways back (After McCarthyism came the 60s)...and sooner than anyone could have expected, less than one year later, the idiocy of our commander in chief is apparent to all but the most deliberately ignorant of holdouts. (Recognizing and apologizing for my temporary disregard for the "rules" of grammar and punctuation) Did you ever wonder how some of those red states got that way?That "yellow dog democrat" (southern states used to be shoe-ins for democratic candidates) was a phenomena that lasted for exactly 99 years. Southerners became democrats because Lincoln (a slavery abolitionist)was a Republican and a century later became Republicans due to their disenchantment with the pro-integration policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. What kind of "fiscal conservative" wants to ride this bandwagon? You tell me what's worse, "slick" Willie lying about an oval office hummer, or "W" lying to us about a threat to our security that has since cost the lives of 2000 Americans, 100,000 Iraqis, not to mention the evaporation of the Clinton surpluses and our international post 911 goodwill and license proactively protect ourselves throughout the globe?
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