Saturday, October 15, 2005
  My Jewish Thoughts on Darfur
The most chilling aspect of this story in my thinking is that the very same indifference to the Nazi slaughter of Jews in occupied Eastern Europe caused the United States Department of State to disallow the reception of such reports from Switzerland in 1942. Not only was the State Department then and the UN Security Council now not going to intercede on behalf of the unarmed victims of wanton government sponsored slaughter but was likewise lacking in even the interest to maintain appraisal of the magnitude of the tragedy. I am of the opinion that Jews everywhere have an obligation to oppose fascism and the mass murder of unarmed civilians anywhere on the planet. After all, how can we take outrage to the world's indifference to our plight 60 years ago and turn a blind eye to Cambodia, Rawanda and Darfur where innocents are murdered for their belonging to the outcasted tribe? So what have I done dear reader (so far) to differentiate myself from the hypocrisy I complain about?I called my congresswoman, Senators, and published these postings on my web log with the hopes that creating awareness is the indispensable first step in bringing about change.
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