Friday, November 18, 2005
  Congressman John P. Murtha , Then and Now
Military/defense service
Congressman Murtha is so well-respected for his first-hand knowledge of military and defense issues that he has been a trusted adviser to presidents of both parties on defense issues and is one of the most effective advocates for the national defense in the country. He is ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a Vietnam combat veteran and a retired Marine Corps colonel with 37 years of service, a rare combination of experience that enables him to understand defense and military operations from every perspective. His honors include The American Spirit Medal, (awarded to fewer than one in 10,000 recruits), Bronze Star , 2 Purple Hearts & Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

The Repbulican Bologger's response:
BD Says:
November 17, 2005 - 22:23 Looks like we need the vets to step forward and take Murtha out for the nation. (click on the date to link to said blog)

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