Sunday, November 06, 2005
  Hooray for NJ!

I promised my friend Ed of Franklin Lakes NJ, that I'd never say another bad thing about New Jersey if they elected John Corzine for Governor. During the final debate Saturday night, republican candidate Doug Forrester was called to answer for an add that quoted Corzine's ex-wife,(paraphrasing) 'he let down his family he'll let down New Jersey'. Wow! There's an objective character reference! To his credit Corzine's reply commercial did not likewise defame the adversary, but instead highlighted his Senate record, and reminded the voters how other notorious republican campaigns unjustly but effectively swiftboated many a qualified candidate. Forrester furthermore refused to pull an ad that he admits falsifies Corzine's record by claiming that he voted to raise taxes 110 more times than he actually did! Click on the title of this post to read an accuracy evaluation by, a bipartisan unit of the Annenberg foundation.

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