Friday, November 18, 2005
  John Kerry ; Then and Now
In response to Bush's argument that congress shares his culbability for the Iraq fiasco Kerry said of his 2002 speech (outlining conditions for granting the President authority to use force in Iraq)" Providing Sadam had those weapons, and providing the President did the other things, which are: 1.) follow-through on the inspections 2.)not go unilaterally;3.) build a legitimate coalition; 4.) Plan Carefully, 5.) Go as a last resort. All of which the president said he would do; none of which he did do. So I said in that very same speech, which the president did not quote, that if you proceeded too rapidly, if you didn't do the things I just described, you could make a volatile region more dangerous, you could attract more terrorists and you would make America less secure, not more."
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