Friday, November 11, 2005
Part 4: Intelligent Design at work in everyday human life: The interplay between the physical and awe inspiring (complexity of the central nervous system above) and the evolutionary concept of Natural Selection can be found in the uniquely human experience of avoiding premature ejaculation.In this example the human male (Darwinists contend) is interested in his partner's orgasm so that he might improve his chances of mating with her again and further enhancing the probability that his genes will pass into the future. Yes there is a power greater than you. The philosophy (and that's clearly what it is) of Intelligent Design holds that it is his will that in a candidate male mentally focus on NHL referees of the 1970's {(Scove, Friday, Gilmore, Hooks, Meyers, and Wicks (pictured at left)} before his mate has screamed his name or that of the almighty.
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