Sunday, November 06, 2005
  Republican In Name Only (RINO)
This one was never a contest. With the exception of bar owners and union bosses, has anyone really even said anything bad about the job Mike Bloomberg has done as mayor of New York City? Of lesser notoriety is the fact that after 911, when chairman of Bloomberg LLC, he providedfree office space, technology and telecommunication services and way too much to eat for thousands of displaced Lower Manhattan businessmen (myself included). Here he was in the middle of a close mayoral race, with a political plumb on his plate and he sought not an ounce of free PR. Downside? He was relentless in pursuit of the Olympics, and West Side Stadium. While some may find the mayor's wealth a source of conflict (why do I have to pay this parking ticket doesn't he have enough money?), he might be the least political major office holder of all time.
Guess who?

Hey Azeem

As a NYC Native from Staten Island I must say Bloomberg has done a magnificent job in making NYC a great place!
soild mayor, great business man ...
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