Saturday, November 12, 2005

Some occourences in the Natural World ARE enough to make you religious. Thousands of neurons transmit electronic messages through chemicals called neurotransmitters across one another. The brain is at the center of it all allowing us to engage in multiple, increasingly complex, unrelated actions at the same time. Have you ever stopped and thought how wonderous this is? That's fine, but it's very different than teaching intelligent design in science class! And to this aim, the neocons have only found another tactic for trying to overturn the scopes trial and teach creationism! Neocons aren't wrong when they say Evolution is only a theory.We don't know that our model of the atom is accurate either (it probably isn't) , but it works in terms of predicting how elements will interact. Darwinism explains why Bonnie dumped you for a gentleman of leisure. Our instincts favor that which enhances the wellbeing of our offspring so our genes reach into the future. Ultimately like the lioness or the she-wolf, humans are innately attracted to he who brings home more than his share of the kill. So a hundred thousand years ago we traded in our quadrapedal frames and keen snouts for arms, legs and stereoscopic vision and what do you know? Guess who cut the line to the top of the food chain?
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