Wednesday, December 21, 2005
  Re: Domestic Surveillance invoked by the Patriot Act .
I'm not wild about everything PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) says and does, but egads ! Haven't we taken this thing a bit too far? At the risk of sounding like Rummy or Cheney, I'll even admit that sometimes they're a bit flakey! If we were not meant to eat, wear, or otherwise enhance our survival to the occasional detriment of the differently evolved then The Good Lord wouldn't have put us on top of the food chain. Ok so maybe these guys are a bunch of whiney tree huggers, but promoting "domestic terrorism?" I think not! Hey everybody wake up! Our country is falling apart all around us does anybody care? Hello? McFly? Anyone? Buller? Anyone? Invoking the Patriot Act (written and signed into law to protect us from terrorists at home and abroad) to eavesdrop on John Q. Lunchpale and spy on Peta? Attention Patriots!!! Will you know the enemy when you see him? Topper here is a domestic terrorist and PETA mascot. Bad Dog!
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