Saturday, January 21, 2006
  A US Naval Base En Cuba?
I'd hate to to know what percentage of Americans are aware of the fact that we have a navy base in a country with which we have no diplomatic relations. Remember the movie, A Few Good Men? setting of the code red was the United States Marine Corps base at Guantanamo Bay or as it is widely known, GITMO.
In 1899, we picked a fight with Spain and when it was all over we took two of their teritories 10,000 miles apart and planted the flag at The Philipines and Cuba. When Castro took over the Island in 1961, we broke off diplomatic relations with the country but expected them to honor our land lease on the base. We send an annual lease payment to Havana, and despite the abject poverty of his people, Fidel doesn't cash the checks lest he imply validity of the lease. It's all part of our deeply disfunctional relationship with the rogue nation.
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