Saturday, January 21, 2006
  What The Heck is going on at Guantanamo Bay?
Beginning this post, let's be perfectly clear dear reader, that the creator of this blog is in every sense of the word, a liberal democrat. Accordingly you can change the station right now and visit a Rush Limaugh or Matt Drudge site and laugh it up at the suffering of others, or cope with your cognitive dissonance by concocting a reason to blame the victims for their fate. At least that way you need not confront the horror perpetrated by the officials we elected with our tax dollars. That being said, let's take a look at what's going on in Guantanamo bay to detainees in our custody. Despite this predisposition, I begin this draft without a full understanding of the current conflict. To accomplish this inquiry, we will conduct this examination from the standpoint of the history of the base, who the detainees are, what is happening to them, the White House position, the opposition position, and our view.
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