Tuesday, February 28, 2006
  Abortion Clinic Violence is Cool With the Court
Hope all you fiscal conservatives who voted for Bush are happy, because today a woman's right to safe and legal reproductive choice was dramatically curtailed as the landmark ruling Schneidler v National Organization for Women was overturned by the United States Supreme Court. Ever since that landmark 2003 ruling, abortion clinic violence was dramatically curtailed, because said violence was determined to be in violation of the Hobbs act or as it is more commonly known, the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute. This statute holds that when violence and intimidation is applied to interefere with commerce, the victim is entitle to triple damages from the perpetrators. As expected, abortion clinic violence dropped off dramatically in 2003 since even the threat thereof would financially destroy the offender. This ruling was overturned today, because get this, "Physical violence unrelated to robbery or extortion falls outside the Hobbs Act's scope," Justice Breyer wrote. To try to use the act as the National Organization for Women and other abortion-rights advocates have done broadens the Hobbs Act's scope well beyond what case law has assumed," he wrote. So women now have one less barrier to a complete removal of their rights why? Because this violence, The Judge says is not included in the statute. You can kill them, burn them, beat them as long as you don't rob or extort! Go Court! Regrettably .... More to come! Now am I exagerating to make a point dear reader? Obviously, but the indebatable result is quite succinctly, a woman's right (by way of access) to safe and legal reproductive choice was severely curtailed today. And if you disagree, riddle me this: will abortion clinic violence be more apt to increase or decrease with the removal of threat of triple damages?
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