Sunday, February 05, 2006
  Don't Take My Word For It! Go see for yourself!
How do members of Congress vote, and how they are rated by various
Political Action Committees? We ought to be
more concerned with how we are represented on issues of the day instead of a politician's ability to
out-debate Tim Russert, wave the flag, or mis-
diagnose Terry Schaivo from a distance of 2000 miles. Please visit project vote smart and develop your own informed opinion. Did you know that the boner on the right , House Majority leader, John Boehner (R) (OH), voted NO on defeated measure HR 1815, The Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Ammendment (that would have allowed women in Uniform access to terminate an unwanted or unsafe pregnancy at US Military Hospitals abroad, including patient funded services)? If that's your position dear reader, you are entitled to it, but don't salute the republican mantle if it isn't, because this is the position of your party's legislative leader (with major support of the party of course). If you like those no-bid Halliburton contracts, to put it "bluntly" you'll love House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R) (MO). And yes it works both ways. You will find records and endorsements of the liberal legislators below that may be deemed repellant.
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