Saturday, April 22, 2006
  Dumplings and Death Penalty
What language is spoken three times as widely as English? In what country do 1 out of every 6 people on the planet live? If you guessed Mandarin and The People's Republic of China, you'd be right. Of lesser fame is that The People's Republic of China (PRC) murders more of it's "people" in the name of the state than the rest of the world combined with an average of 10 executions every day. In China you get a bullet and the state gets the cash for selling your organs on the black market for 42 different offenses ranging from purse snatching , and minor drug charges, to filing a false Value Added Tax (VAT) form. Click Here if you have the stomach to bear witness to state photographs of a young lady placarded with the crime "fommented rebellion" before paying the ultimate penalty for her pro-Tibet sentiment (the equivalent of having a T-shirt or bumper sticker with the confederate flag).
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