Sunday, April 30, 2006
  Exactly who are the aliens?

Native Americans 8000 BC... are believed to have arrived sometime before the last ice age crossing over a land bridge into the Americas through Alaska. During the peak of Pueblo Culture (850-1250 AD) when Europeans lived in thatched huts, serving Feudal Lords, Chaco canyon featured agricultural and urban planning, constructing dams and verical housing. Their Aztec cousins founded Mexico City in 1385. Unlike the Plains or Mountain tribes in the US, Aztecs, Mayas and Incas with their European visitors created the Mestizo (mixed) race which is now the most common on the Western Hemisphere in every country except America, Canada and a few Caribbean Islands. 25% of today's USA (including California and Texas), widely known as AZTLAN was Mexican teritory until 1848. The Mestizo decendants of Native Americans founded and still largely inhabit our Western megalopolis El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles.
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