Saturday, April 22, 2006
  Fortune #1: birds of feather lie together
In a case of compare and contrast, These two absolutely deserve each other. With respect to a case of zeal to commit murder in the name of the state, unlike former Governor, George Ryan (R), IL
who (after 14 death row inmates were found exonerated of the crimes for which they were condemned) granted clemency to all 156 death row inmates and abolished the death penalty in that state, "what can we say of Texas ?" where under Bush's 6 years as governor 113 where excecuted. "Defendants are denied trained lawyers, and appeals are rushed through often as meere formalities. Unlike Ryan, Bush's limited dimension recognized zero error potential and granted clemency only once. With respect to a case of zeal to proclaim outrageously false statements while smiling into a camera before an audiance of 300 million, President Bush would have us believe that he had no choice,but to invade Iraq lest they attack our shores with weapons of mass destruction, that we should believe that instead we did it to remove a brutal dictator, and instead yet again, at a cost of 2500 lives of servicepeople, 30,000 maimed, and 100,000 murdered residents we are successfully engaged in a war on teror introducing democracy to a region in desperate need thereof.
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