Saturday, April 29, 2006
  Who exactly are the aliens?
African Americans: From 1600-1850 the ancestors of 11% of the population of this country and the majority of The West Indies were victims of the world's most infamous forced migration (kidnapping) as 12,000,000 men, women, and children were taken by force and transported in chains to build our export economy based on cotton, sugar, and tobacco. Not only do we owe much of our cultural heritage to the descendants of African slaves, but more than 50% of our territory as well. How is that ? When slaves on the Island of Hati overthrew their French Captors in 1803, Napoleon was forced into the geo-political and economic expediency of ceeding the Louisiana Purchase to Jefferson on an all-or-none basis. (Hati was only the 2nd nation ever to declare independance from a colonial power and win a revolutionary war). Surprised? I was!
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