Wednesday, May 24, 2006
  An Open Letter to Maria Bartiromo
Dear Ms Bartiromo,
This is to congratulate your courage and dedication to viewers during your May 16, 2006 interview with US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales tried to obfuscate critical constitutional issues regarding NSA surveillance by citing a Supreme Court ruling that business records are not protected by a 4th amendment right to privacy. This wobbly argument implies that if the NSA were to access records of our private telephone calls, same would be legitimate since they were in fact the unprotected business records of the telephone company (a third party). I was astonished and delighted by your reply:

“I understand sir but when you're talking about business records of let's say a Verizon for simplicity's sake, at the end of the day, you’re calling them business records, but whose records really are they? (chuckle) They’re consumer records right? So you’re telling me that they’re business records, but they are really consumer records that are being held by a (fingers simulating quotation marks) business .”

What moxie Maria! The only thing more outrageous than this administration’s actions is the huburis of it's officials in their straight-faced attempts to rationalize them with arguments that wouldn't pass an elementary school student's sense of logic. Now more than ever our very way of life is dependant upon the bravest members of the fourth estate. Clearly you are among the elite few.



Click here for the cnbc video of said interview (then scroll down half way to the picture of Gonzales)
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