Saturday, January 21, 2006
  What The Heck is going on at Guantanamo Bay?
Beginning this post, let's be perfectly clear dear reader, that the creator of this blog is in every sense of the word, a liberal democrat. Accordingly you can change the station right now and visit a Rush Limaugh or Matt Drudge site and laugh it up at the suffering of others, or cope with your cognitive dissonance by concocting a reason to blame the victims for their fate. At least that way you need not confront the horror perpetrated by the officials we elected with our tax dollars. That being said, let's take a look at what's going on in Guantanamo bay to detainees in our custody. Despite this predisposition, I begin this draft without a full understanding of the current conflict. To accomplish this inquiry, we will conduct this examination from the standpoint of the history of the base, who the detainees are, what is happening to them, the White House position, the opposition position, and our view.
  A US Naval Base En Cuba?
I'd hate to to know what percentage of Americans are aware of the fact that we have a navy base in a country with which we have no diplomatic relations. Remember the movie, A Few Good Men? setting of the code red was the United States Marine Corps base at Guantanamo Bay or as it is widely known, GITMO.
In 1899, we picked a fight with Spain and when it was all over we took two of their teritories 10,000 miles apart and planted the flag at The Philipines and Cuba. When Castro took over the Island in 1961, we broke off diplomatic relations with the country but expected them to honor our land lease on the base. We send an annual lease payment to Havana, and despite the abject poverty of his people, Fidel doesn't cash the checks lest he imply validity of the lease. It's all part of our deeply disfunctional relationship with the rogue nation.
  Earlier Guests were apparently protected
The following is transcribed from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:In the last quarter of the 20th century, prior to the decision by President George W. Bush to lead the United States into the War on Terror, the base was used to house Cuban and Haitian refugees intercepted on the high seas. Most controversially, the base was used during the early 1990s to hold often HIV-positive refugees fleeing Haiti after the overthrow of democratically-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide by a military coup d'etat. These refugees were held in a detainment area called Camp Bulkeley until US District Court Judge Sterling Johnson Jr. declared the camp unconstitutional on June 8, 1993. The last Haitian migrants departed from Guantanamo on 1 November 1995.
  Enjoy Lush Tropical Breezes on Don Rum's Island Paradise
United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld referred to the Detention Center described above as "Sunny Gitmo." You never know when you'll end up as our guest in our tropical hideaway. You could be walking down the street in any Country in the World (including our own) and whisked away from all your concerns with everyday life. Forget about your boss and your bills. Here all of your needs are taken care of . Upon arrival, enjoy our unique form of Island Hospitality where you need not lift a finger...or as these guests might add can not lift a finger. Forget about fashion or sunburn or even transportation expenses. You may not ever want to leave! Good thing!

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