Sunday, April 30, 2006
  Exactly who are the aliens?

Native Americans 8000 BC... are believed to have arrived sometime before the last ice age crossing over a land bridge into the Americas through Alaska. During the peak of Pueblo Culture (850-1250 AD) when Europeans lived in thatched huts, serving Feudal Lords, Chaco canyon featured agricultural and urban planning, constructing dams and verical housing. Their Aztec cousins founded Mexico City in 1385. Unlike the Plains or Mountain tribes in the US, Aztecs, Mayas and Incas with their European visitors created the Mestizo (mixed) race which is now the most common on the Western Hemisphere in every country except America, Canada and a few Caribbean Islands. 25% of today's USA (including California and Texas), widely known as AZTLAN was Mexican teritory until 1848. The Mestizo decendants of Native Americans founded and still largely inhabit our Western megalopolis El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
  Who exactly are the aliens?
African Americans: From 1600-1850 the ancestors of 11% of the population of this country and the majority of The West Indies were victims of the world's most infamous forced migration (kidnapping) as 12,000,000 men, women, and children were taken by force and transported in chains to build our export economy based on cotton, sugar, and tobacco. Not only do we owe much of our cultural heritage to the descendants of African slaves, but more than 50% of our territory as well. How is that ? When slaves on the Island of Hati overthrew their French Captors in 1803, Napoleon was forced into the geo-political and economic expediency of ceeding the Louisiana Purchase to Jefferson on an all-or-none basis. (Hati was only the 2nd nation ever to declare independance from a colonial power and win a revolutionary war). Surprised? I was!
Friday, April 28, 2006
  Who exactly are the aliens?
European Americans 1492-present. The vast majority of European immigrants arrived in a relatively concise period of time (1840-1910). These recent arrivals en masse saw America as an asylum offering mostly economic relief from harsh conditions first from Ireland, and later from Germany,Italy, and Eastern Europe*. The subjects of this 1930 portrait would typify the children or grandchildren of Irish, Scandinavian, or German immigrants. In their early years such ethnic groups huddled mainly amongst themselves, communicating in foreign tongues. Naturally, they were distrustful of local officials and toiled primarily to finance the subsequent immigration of their extended families.

*Your blogger's great-grandfather Benj Hoberman emigrated through Ellis Island from Belarus in 1902. Within 3 years, 2 other great grandparents came from Hungary, 2 from Latvia, and 1 from Ukraine. Collectively, called The Pale Settlement, Jews from this region are sometimes called, Ashkenazi, Yiddish or just "Jews." Like The Meztisos described above I proudly identify myself as a member of what Hitler called the mongrel race, AMERICAN. We also call Israel our home and periodically brandish their flag here.
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006
  Dumplings and Death Penalty
What language is spoken three times as widely as English? In what country do 1 out of every 6 people on the planet live? If you guessed Mandarin and The People's Republic of China, you'd be right. Of lesser fame is that The People's Republic of China (PRC) murders more of it's "people" in the name of the state than the rest of the world combined with an average of 10 executions every day. In China you get a bullet and the state gets the cash for selling your organs on the black market for 42 different offenses ranging from purse snatching , and minor drug charges, to filing a false Value Added Tax (VAT) form. Click Here if you have the stomach to bear witness to state photographs of a young lady placarded with the crime "fommented rebellion" before paying the ultimate penalty for her pro-Tibet sentiment (the equivalent of having a T-shirt or bumper sticker with the confederate flag).
  Fortune #1: birds of feather lie together
In a case of compare and contrast, These two absolutely deserve each other. With respect to a case of zeal to commit murder in the name of the state, unlike former Governor, George Ryan (R), IL
who (after 14 death row inmates were found exonerated of the crimes for which they were condemned) granted clemency to all 156 death row inmates and abolished the death penalty in that state, "what can we say of Texas ?" where under Bush's 6 years as governor 113 where excecuted. "Defendants are denied trained lawyers, and appeals are rushed through often as meere formalities. Unlike Ryan, Bush's limited dimension recognized zero error potential and granted clemency only once. With respect to a case of zeal to proclaim outrageously false statements while smiling into a camera before an audiance of 300 million, President Bush would have us believe that he had no choice,but to invade Iraq lest they attack our shores with weapons of mass destruction, that we should believe that instead we did it to remove a brutal dictator, and instead yet again, at a cost of 2500 lives of servicepeople, 30,000 maimed, and 100,000 murdered residents we are successfully engaged in a war on teror introducing democracy to a region in desperate need thereof.
  Fortune # 2: Do not pee on head and say, "rain!"
....and like Mr. Bush, President Hu emitted his absurd mantra made all the more vile whilst accompanied by the pomp and ceremony of Thursday's state reception. Taiwan (the independant island nation pictured at left), he said will never be independant from the People's Republic of China (PRC). Despite its standing army of over 200,000,000 (the world's largest ever), not one pair of PRC boots have ever defiled Taiwan with its different currency, flag, and recognition by the USA and nearly all of of the civilized world. As Sadam characterized Kuwait in 1990, Hu calls it a renegade province (separated by 120 miles of ocean). The following stark differences are from the CIA world factbook: Ever since the communist takeover of the mainland in 1949 when 2 million nationalists fled to Taiwan it has, "gradually democratized and incorporated the native population within the governing structure." The president is directly elected by universal sufferage, as is the national legislature with its 16 political parties. Infant mortality = 6.2/1000 (slightly better than in the US) or (compared to China's 26/1000). Taiwan's literacy rate and life expectancy are 15% higher than in the PRC. Per capita GDP is $26,000 in Taiwan (compared to $6,300 in the PRC) despite negligible natural resources, the Island nation ranks among the "Asian Tigers" in manufacturing, technology, and trade export. President Chen has also announced a pending law to abolish the death penalty.

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