Wednesday, November 23, 2005
  MUST SEE 2-MINUTE VIDEO (click here)
Never forget the other mega story of the millennium. When Jeb Bush promised his brother the state of Florida in 2000,Katherine Harris the former Florida secretary of state ,supervisor of elections & chairman of the Bush campaign guaranteed the disenfranchisement of the electorate and a GOP victory. As she now runs for Senate without the support of the GOP she once served so dutifully,She's launched a new campaign entitled Katherine Understands National tragedy. Please Click on the title above to view her new video:
And Remember When You Think Katherine Harris, Think
Katherine Understands National Tragedy !!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld: Then and now:
In Camp Delta, the expression “packaging prisoners” means shackling inmates for 20 hours a day, while hooding and beating them. At a press conference, Rumsfeld is shown describing “sunny” Gitmo as “the least worst” place to hold detainees.
Friday, November 18, 2005
  Congressman John P. Murtha , Then and Now
Military/defense service
Congressman Murtha is so well-respected for his first-hand knowledge of military and defense issues that he has been a trusted adviser to presidents of both parties on defense issues and is one of the most effective advocates for the national defense in the country. He is ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a Vietnam combat veteran and a retired Marine Corps colonel with 37 years of service, a rare combination of experience that enables him to understand defense and military operations from every perspective. His honors include The American Spirit Medal, (awarded to fewer than one in 10,000 recruits), Bronze Star , 2 Purple Hearts & Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

The Repbulican Bologger's response:
BD Says:
November 17, 2005 - 22:23 Looks like we need the vets to step forward and take Murtha out for the nation. (click on the date to link to said blog)

  John Kerry ; Then and Now
In response to Bush's argument that congress shares his culbability for the Iraq fiasco Kerry said of his 2002 speech (outlining conditions for granting the President authority to use force in Iraq)" Providing Sadam had those weapons, and providing the President did the other things, which are: 1.) follow-through on the inspections 2.)not go unilaterally;3.) build a legitimate coalition; 4.) Plan Carefully, 5.) Go as a last resort. All of which the president said he would do; none of which he did do. So I said in that very same speech, which the president did not quote, that if you proceeded too rapidly, if you didn't do the things I just described, you could make a volatile region more dangerous, you could attract more terrorists and you would make America less secure, not more."
Thursday, November 17, 2005
  Dick Cheney; Then and Now
30 Jan 1941
Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney born, Lincoln NE.
Nov 1962
Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving.
1963 Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving, again.

1963 Drops out of Yale.

1965 Graduated University of Wyoming.

Oct 1965 Selective Service subjects married men without children to the draft.

1965 Seeks a 3-A deferment (has dependents) when Lynne is ten weeks pregnant.

28 Jul 1966 First child born, nine months and two days after Selective Service announced that married men without children were subject to the draft. Whew, that was close.

1989 "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."

1995 Becomes Chairman and CEO of Halliburton.

Saturday, November 12, 2005
What is Intelligent Design? Visiting Dutch blogger Dimitri Alexander van Zantvliet offers the following comment:"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion.Recent discoveries in quantum physics (the study of the physics of sub-atomic particles) and in cosmology (the branch of astronomy and astrophysics that deals with the universe taken as a whole) shed new light on how mind interacts with matter. These discoveries compel acceptance of the idea that there is far more than just one universe and that we constantly interact with many of these “hidden” universes.So Darwin and ID are both true and false at the same time and an infinite number of therories as well.Nice blog."

Some occourences in the Natural World ARE enough to make you religious. Thousands of neurons transmit electronic messages through chemicals called neurotransmitters across one another. The brain is at the center of it all allowing us to engage in multiple, increasingly complex, unrelated actions at the same time. Have you ever stopped and thought how wonderous this is? That's fine, but it's very different than teaching intelligent design in science class! And to this aim, the neocons have only found another tactic for trying to overturn the scopes trial and teach creationism! Neocons aren't wrong when they say Evolution is only a theory.We don't know that our model of the atom is accurate either (it probably isn't) , but it works in terms of predicting how elements will interact. Darwinism explains why Bonnie dumped you for a gentleman of leisure. Our instincts favor that which enhances the wellbeing of our offspring so our genes reach into the future. Ultimately like the lioness or the she-wolf, humans are innately attracted to he who brings home more than his share of the kill. So a hundred thousand years ago we traded in our quadrapedal frames and keen snouts for arms, legs and stereoscopic vision and what do you know? Guess who cut the line to the top of the food chain?
Friday, November 11, 2005
Part 4: Intelligent Design at work in everyday human life: The interplay between the physical and awe inspiring (complexity of the central nervous system above) and the evolutionary concept of Natural Selection can be found in the uniquely human experience of avoiding premature ejaculation.In this example the human male (Darwinists contend) is interested in his partner's orgasm so that he might improve his chances of mating with her again and further enhancing the probability that his genes will pass into the future. Yes there is a power greater than you. The philosophy (and that's clearly what it is) of Intelligent Design holds that it is his will that in a candidate male mentally focus on NHL referees of the 1970's {(Scove, Friday, Gilmore, Hooks, Meyers, and Wicks (pictured at left)} before his mate has screamed his name or that of the almighty.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
  Republican In Name Only (RINO)
This one was never a contest. With the exception of bar owners and union bosses, has anyone really even said anything bad about the job Mike Bloomberg has done as mayor of New York City? Of lesser notoriety is the fact that after 911, when chairman of Bloomberg LLC, he providedfree office space, technology and telecommunication services and way too much to eat for thousands of displaced Lower Manhattan businessmen (myself included). Here he was in the middle of a close mayoral race, with a political plumb on his plate and he sought not an ounce of free PR. Downside? He was relentless in pursuit of the Olympics, and West Side Stadium. While some may find the mayor's wealth a source of conflict (why do I have to pay this parking ticket doesn't he have enough money?), he might be the least political major office holder of all time.
  Hooray for NJ!

I promised my friend Ed of Franklin Lakes NJ, that I'd never say another bad thing about New Jersey if they elected John Corzine for Governor. During the final debate Saturday night, republican candidate Doug Forrester was called to answer for an add that quoted Corzine's ex-wife,(paraphrasing) 'he let down his family he'll let down New Jersey'. Wow! There's an objective character reference! To his credit Corzine's reply commercial did not likewise defame the adversary, but instead highlighted his Senate record, and reminded the voters how other notorious republican campaigns unjustly but effectively swiftboated many a qualified candidate. Forrester furthermore refused to pull an ad that he admits falsifies Corzine's record by claiming that he voted to raise taxes 110 more times than he actually did! Click on the title of this post to read an accuracy evaluation by, a bipartisan unit of the Annenberg foundation.


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