Sunday, June 11, 2006
  A very good week for the good guys!

Tuesday June 6: The notorious sign of the antichrist (666) comes and goes without the rapture (wphew! that was close!) . Easily mistakable for said demon, Ann Coulter jumped the shark, getting faced on The Today Show by Matt Lauer who forced her to defend her quote in reference to the 911 widows "I never saw anyone enjoy their husbands' deaths so much." As patriots on both sides of the aisle came out against anorexic Annie, did we forget that the very formation of a 911 commission only came to pass because of the the persistence of a few brave widows (who she derided as "The Witches of East Brunswick") ?. Did we forget to ask why the White House opposed creating a 911 commission?

Wednesday June 7: أبومصعب الزرقاوي‎ (October 1966-June 7, 2006) Abu Musab al Zarqawi self-proclaimed leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq . Later that day Senate Republicans fail to pass The President's "Defense of Marriage act" which would have written discrimination against homosexuals into law.

Thursday June 8: US Senate fails to repeal the Federal Estate Tax. Despite Republican efforts to convince The American electorate that a "death tax" was bad for the economy
(slightly less than 1% of estates were eligible to be taxed in 2003).

Once upon a time there was actually a decent Republican who among other things said,"You can can fool some of the people all of the time, You can fool all of the people some of the time,but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

Abraham Lincoln

"And on the seventh day God ended his work. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
Genesis 1:27

Baruch Hashem, Ali Akbar, Praise the Lord !
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
  An Open Letter to Maria Bartiromo
Dear Ms Bartiromo,
This is to congratulate your courage and dedication to viewers during your May 16, 2006 interview with US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales tried to obfuscate critical constitutional issues regarding NSA surveillance by citing a Supreme Court ruling that business records are not protected by a 4th amendment right to privacy. This wobbly argument implies that if the NSA were to access records of our private telephone calls, same would be legitimate since they were in fact the unprotected business records of the telephone company (a third party). I was astonished and delighted by your reply:

“I understand sir but when you're talking about business records of let's say a Verizon for simplicity's sake, at the end of the day, you’re calling them business records, but whose records really are they? (chuckle) They’re consumer records right? So you’re telling me that they’re business records, but they are really consumer records that are being held by a (fingers simulating quotation marks) business .”

What moxie Maria! The only thing more outrageous than this administration’s actions is the huburis of it's officials in their straight-faced attempts to rationalize them with arguments that wouldn't pass an elementary school student's sense of logic. Now more than ever our very way of life is dependant upon the bravest members of the fourth estate. Clearly you are among the elite few.



Click here for the cnbc video of said interview (then scroll down half way to the picture of Gonzales)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
  What is a patriot?
" These days it is constantly implied that a 'patriot" is somebody who supports the actions of the government. We are also lead to believe that a "patriot" is somebody who supports the War in Iraq. Using the flag, as well as ideological constructs of 'good v. evil' we are ever so (mis)lead to believe that a 'patriot' is somebody who supports the status quo of America, and beyond that, that the status quo in America is on the side of good, morally righteous, and just.
Bill Mahr, American Patriot 2005

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. "
Mark Twain, American Patriot, 1904

"I believed then, just as I believe now, that the best way to support the troops is to oppose a course that squanders their lives, dishonors their sacrifice, and disserves our people and our principles. "
Senator John F. Kerry (D. Massachuesetts) ,American Patriot
Apr 22, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
  Exactly who are the aliens?

Native Americans 8000 BC... are believed to have arrived sometime before the last ice age crossing over a land bridge into the Americas through Alaska. During the peak of Pueblo Culture (850-1250 AD) when Europeans lived in thatched huts, serving Feudal Lords, Chaco canyon featured agricultural and urban planning, constructing dams and verical housing. Their Aztec cousins founded Mexico City in 1385. Unlike the Plains or Mountain tribes in the US, Aztecs, Mayas and Incas with their European visitors created the Mestizo (mixed) race which is now the most common on the Western Hemisphere in every country except America, Canada and a few Caribbean Islands. 25% of today's USA (including California and Texas), widely known as AZTLAN was Mexican teritory until 1848. The Mestizo decendants of Native Americans founded and still largely inhabit our Western megalopolis El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
  Who exactly are the aliens?
African Americans: From 1600-1850 the ancestors of 11% of the population of this country and the majority of The West Indies were victims of the world's most infamous forced migration (kidnapping) as 12,000,000 men, women, and children were taken by force and transported in chains to build our export economy based on cotton, sugar, and tobacco. Not only do we owe much of our cultural heritage to the descendants of African slaves, but more than 50% of our territory as well. How is that ? When slaves on the Island of Hati overthrew their French Captors in 1803, Napoleon was forced into the geo-political and economic expediency of ceeding the Louisiana Purchase to Jefferson on an all-or-none basis. (Hati was only the 2nd nation ever to declare independance from a colonial power and win a revolutionary war). Surprised? I was!
Friday, April 28, 2006
  Who exactly are the aliens?
European Americans 1492-present. The vast majority of European immigrants arrived in a relatively concise period of time (1840-1910). These recent arrivals en masse saw America as an asylum offering mostly economic relief from harsh conditions first from Ireland, and later from Germany,Italy, and Eastern Europe*. The subjects of this 1930 portrait would typify the children or grandchildren of Irish, Scandinavian, or German immigrants. In their early years such ethnic groups huddled mainly amongst themselves, communicating in foreign tongues. Naturally, they were distrustful of local officials and toiled primarily to finance the subsequent immigration of their extended families.

*Your blogger's great-grandfather Benj Hoberman emigrated through Ellis Island from Belarus in 1902. Within 3 years, 2 other great grandparents came from Hungary, 2 from Latvia, and 1 from Ukraine. Collectively, called The Pale Settlement, Jews from this region are sometimes called, Ashkenazi, Yiddish or just "Jews." Like The Meztisos described above I proudly identify myself as a member of what Hitler called the mongrel race, AMERICAN. We also call Israel our home and periodically brandish their flag here.
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006
  Dumplings and Death Penalty
What language is spoken three times as widely as English? In what country do 1 out of every 6 people on the planet live? If you guessed Mandarin and The People's Republic of China, you'd be right. Of lesser fame is that The People's Republic of China (PRC) murders more of it's "people" in the name of the state than the rest of the world combined with an average of 10 executions every day. In China you get a bullet and the state gets the cash for selling your organs on the black market for 42 different offenses ranging from purse snatching , and minor drug charges, to filing a false Value Added Tax (VAT) form. Click Here if you have the stomach to bear witness to state photographs of a young lady placarded with the crime "fommented rebellion" before paying the ultimate penalty for her pro-Tibet sentiment (the equivalent of having a T-shirt or bumper sticker with the confederate flag).
  Fortune #1: birds of feather lie together
In a case of compare and contrast, These two absolutely deserve each other. With respect to a case of zeal to commit murder in the name of the state, unlike former Governor, George Ryan (R), IL
who (after 14 death row inmates were found exonerated of the crimes for which they were condemned) granted clemency to all 156 death row inmates and abolished the death penalty in that state, "what can we say of Texas ?" where under Bush's 6 years as governor 113 where excecuted. "Defendants are denied trained lawyers, and appeals are rushed through often as meere formalities. Unlike Ryan, Bush's limited dimension recognized zero error potential and granted clemency only once. With respect to a case of zeal to proclaim outrageously false statements while smiling into a camera before an audiance of 300 million, President Bush would have us believe that he had no choice,but to invade Iraq lest they attack our shores with weapons of mass destruction, that we should believe that instead we did it to remove a brutal dictator, and instead yet again, at a cost of 2500 lives of servicepeople, 30,000 maimed, and 100,000 murdered residents we are successfully engaged in a war on teror introducing democracy to a region in desperate need thereof.
  Fortune # 2: Do not pee on head and say, "rain!"
....and like Mr. Bush, President Hu emitted his absurd mantra made all the more vile whilst accompanied by the pomp and ceremony of Thursday's state reception. Taiwan (the independant island nation pictured at left), he said will never be independant from the People's Republic of China (PRC). Despite its standing army of over 200,000,000 (the world's largest ever), not one pair of PRC boots have ever defiled Taiwan with its different currency, flag, and recognition by the USA and nearly all of of the civilized world. As Sadam characterized Kuwait in 1990, Hu calls it a renegade province (separated by 120 miles of ocean). The following stark differences are from the CIA world factbook: Ever since the communist takeover of the mainland in 1949 when 2 million nationalists fled to Taiwan it has, "gradually democratized and incorporated the native population within the governing structure." The president is directly elected by universal sufferage, as is the national legislature with its 16 political parties. Infant mortality = 6.2/1000 (slightly better than in the US) or (compared to China's 26/1000). Taiwan's literacy rate and life expectancy are 15% higher than in the PRC. Per capita GDP is $26,000 in Taiwan (compared to $6,300 in the PRC) despite negligible natural resources, the Island nation ranks among the "Asian Tigers" in manufacturing, technology, and trade export. President Chen has also announced a pending law to abolish the death penalty.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
  Abortion Clinic Violence is Cool With the Court
Hope all you fiscal conservatives who voted for Bush are happy, because today a woman's right to safe and legal reproductive choice was dramatically curtailed as the landmark ruling Schneidler v National Organization for Women was overturned by the United States Supreme Court. Ever since that landmark 2003 ruling, abortion clinic violence was dramatically curtailed, because said violence was determined to be in violation of the Hobbs act or as it is more commonly known, the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute. This statute holds that when violence and intimidation is applied to interefere with commerce, the victim is entitle to triple damages from the perpetrators. As expected, abortion clinic violence dropped off dramatically in 2003 since even the threat thereof would financially destroy the offender. This ruling was overturned today, because get this, "Physical violence unrelated to robbery or extortion falls outside the Hobbs Act's scope," Justice Breyer wrote. To try to use the act as the National Organization for Women and other abortion-rights advocates have done broadens the Hobbs Act's scope well beyond what case law has assumed," he wrote. So women now have one less barrier to a complete removal of their rights why? Because this violence, The Judge says is not included in the statute. You can kill them, burn them, beat them as long as you don't rob or extort! Go Court! Regrettably .... More to come! Now am I exagerating to make a point dear reader? Obviously, but the indebatable result is quite succinctly, a woman's right (by way of access) to safe and legal reproductive choice was severely curtailed today. And if you disagree, riddle me this: will abortion clinic violence be more apt to increase or decrease with the removal of threat of triple damages?
Sunday, February 19, 2006
  Very Thin Books (first in a series)

1.) THE GREAT BIG BOOK OF MORALS: by Tom Delay (R) Texas

2.) DIAGNOSTICS FROM 2000 MILES : by William Frist MD, US Senate (R) Tennessee

3.) EVERYTHING I EVER KNEW ABOUT ANYTHING: Ronald Reagan (1913-2004)

4.) LEGITIMATE REASONS FOR INVADING IRAQ AND killing 2,271 US SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN: by George W. Bush, President of The United States of America

Sunday, February 05, 2006
  Don't Take My Word For It! Go see for yourself!
How do members of Congress vote, and how they are rated by various
Political Action Committees? We ought to be
more concerned with how we are represented on issues of the day instead of a politician's ability to
out-debate Tim Russert, wave the flag, or mis-
diagnose Terry Schaivo from a distance of 2000 miles. Please visit project vote smart and develop your own informed opinion. Did you know that the boner on the right , House Majority leader, John Boehner (R) (OH), voted NO on defeated measure HR 1815, The Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Ammendment (that would have allowed women in Uniform access to terminate an unwanted or unsafe pregnancy at US Military Hospitals abroad, including patient funded services)? If that's your position dear reader, you are entitled to it, but don't salute the republican mantle if it isn't, because this is the position of your party's legislative leader (with major support of the party of course). If you like those no-bid Halliburton contracts, to put it "bluntly" you'll love House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R) (MO). And yes it works both ways. You will find records and endorsements of the liberal legislators below that may be deemed repellant.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
  Republicans say "F# You !" to Women serving our Nation in uniform.
Upon researching the story above, your devoted blogger stumbled upon a remarkable piece of legislation defeated by the Republican conrolled House of Representatives. The following summary is from the NOW (National Organization for Women) website :

"Servicewomen and military dependents are currently prohibited from obtaining abortions at overseas military hospitals, even if they pay for the services themselves.This unfair, dangerous ban applies even in cases of rape, incest, and threat to maternal health. Denying our servicewomen stationed overseas the same rights that women are afforded at home is completely unacceptable and hypocritical. Why should these women fight to protect our freedom when they are not afforded those same rights? The ban is especially reprehensible considering the prevalence of sexual violence in the military. In one study by the Iowa Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 30 percent of female U.S. military veterans reported having been raped or suffered a rape attempt during their military service. It should be emphasized that there should not be any ban at all: Servicewomen and military dependents should have the same constitutional rights at U.S. military hospitals overseas as they would at a hospital or clinic in their home town. This ban, adopted by a right-wing anti-abortion rights majority in Congress in 1996 and later supported by an anti-abortion rights administration, risks the health and lives of military servicewomen and the female dependents of all service members stationed abroad. These women are now forced to turn to hospitals and clinics in less developed regions of the world which may not have safe medical procedures. "

PS: Despite the eloquent appeal quoted above, the measure to lift the ban was defeated 233-194 along primarily, but not exclusively party lines. Here is the voting record on the ammendment to HR 1815, Roll Call No. 216.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
  What The Heck is going on at Guantanamo Bay?
Beginning this post, let's be perfectly clear dear reader, that the creator of this blog is in every sense of the word, a liberal democrat. Accordingly you can change the station right now and visit a Rush Limaugh or Matt Drudge site and laugh it up at the suffering of others, or cope with your cognitive dissonance by concocting a reason to blame the victims for their fate. At least that way you need not confront the horror perpetrated by the officials we elected with our tax dollars. That being said, let's take a look at what's going on in Guantanamo bay to detainees in our custody. Despite this predisposition, I begin this draft without a full understanding of the current conflict. To accomplish this inquiry, we will conduct this examination from the standpoint of the history of the base, who the detainees are, what is happening to them, the White House position, the opposition position, and our view.
  A US Naval Base En Cuba?
I'd hate to to know what percentage of Americans are aware of the fact that we have a navy base in a country with which we have no diplomatic relations. Remember the movie, A Few Good Men? setting of the code red was the United States Marine Corps base at Guantanamo Bay or as it is widely known, GITMO.
In 1899, we picked a fight with Spain and when it was all over we took two of their teritories 10,000 miles apart and planted the flag at The Philipines and Cuba. When Castro took over the Island in 1961, we broke off diplomatic relations with the country but expected them to honor our land lease on the base. We send an annual lease payment to Havana, and despite the abject poverty of his people, Fidel doesn't cash the checks lest he imply validity of the lease. It's all part of our deeply disfunctional relationship with the rogue nation.
  Earlier Guests were apparently protected
The following is transcribed from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:In the last quarter of the 20th century, prior to the decision by President George W. Bush to lead the United States into the War on Terror, the base was used to house Cuban and Haitian refugees intercepted on the high seas. Most controversially, the base was used during the early 1990s to hold often HIV-positive refugees fleeing Haiti after the overthrow of democratically-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide by a military coup d'etat. These refugees were held in a detainment area called Camp Bulkeley until US District Court Judge Sterling Johnson Jr. declared the camp unconstitutional on June 8, 1993. The last Haitian migrants departed from Guantanamo on 1 November 1995.
  Enjoy Lush Tropical Breezes on Don Rum's Island Paradise
United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld referred to the Detention Center described above as "Sunny Gitmo." You never know when you'll end up as our guest in our tropical hideaway. You could be walking down the street in any Country in the World (including our own) and whisked away from all your concerns with everyday life. Forget about your boss and your bills. Here all of your needs are taken care of . Upon arrival, enjoy our unique form of Island Hospitality where you need not lift a finger...or as these guests might add can not lift a finger. Forget about fashion or sunburn or even transportation expenses. You may not ever want to leave! Good thing!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
  Re: Domestic Surveillance invoked by the Patriot Act .
I'm not wild about everything PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) says and does, but egads ! Haven't we taken this thing a bit too far? At the risk of sounding like Rummy or Cheney, I'll even admit that sometimes they're a bit flakey! If we were not meant to eat, wear, or otherwise enhance our survival to the occasional detriment of the differently evolved then The Good Lord wouldn't have put us on top of the food chain. Ok so maybe these guys are a bunch of whiney tree huggers, but promoting "domestic terrorism?" I think not! Hey everybody wake up! Our country is falling apart all around us does anybody care? Hello? McFly? Anyone? Buller? Anyone? Invoking the Patriot Act (written and signed into law to protect us from terrorists at home and abroad) to eavesdrop on John Q. Lunchpale and spy on Peta? Attention Patriots!!! Will you know the enemy when you see him? Topper here is a domestic terrorist and PETA mascot. Bad Dog!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
  A concerned Senator...not -or- Yes we acknowledge insincere Democrats too.
Charles Schumer (D), US Senate
Responsiveness Grade: F
Perhaps even worse than Nita Lowey, US Congress (D) New York's non-response to a concerned constituent's call on the crisis in Darfur was The Senator's response below complete with spelling and HTML errors but no mention of DARFUR. For all he knows, this could be a response to a contituent's petition to reinstate JIM CROW.I guess we no know why Washingtonians say the most dangerous place in town is between Chuck Shumer and a camera.

Dear Mr. __Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion. I appreciate your taking the time to get in touch with me. Your comments are important to me. Please be assured that I will take the time to coinsider your views. A democracy is only as strong as it citizens, and nothing is more powerful than concerned citizens who take the time to express themselves. I urge you to keep writing and I want you to know that I will keep fighting on behalf of you and all New Yorkers while in the United States Senate. As we consider legislation in the 109th Congress, I will keep your comments and wishes in mind. Again thank you for conhtacting me. If I may be of any further assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact my ofice. "

As Napolean Dynamite (Left) would say, "Idiot!"
Thursday, December 08, 2005
  Before and After Make up!

Thursday, December 01, 2005
  Guess What these guys all have in common!!!! (click here to find out)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
  MUST SEE 2-MINUTE VIDEO (click here)
Never forget the other mega story of the millennium. When Jeb Bush promised his brother the state of Florida in 2000,Katherine Harris the former Florida secretary of state ,supervisor of elections & chairman of the Bush campaign guaranteed the disenfranchisement of the electorate and a GOP victory. As she now runs for Senate without the support of the GOP she once served so dutifully,She's launched a new campaign entitled Katherine Understands National tragedy. Please Click on the title above to view her new video:
And Remember When You Think Katherine Harris, Think
Katherine Understands National Tragedy !!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld: Then and now:
In Camp Delta, the expression “packaging prisoners” means shackling inmates for 20 hours a day, while hooding and beating them. At a press conference, Rumsfeld is shown describing “sunny” Gitmo as “the least worst” place to hold detainees.
Friday, November 18, 2005
  Congressman John P. Murtha , Then and Now
Military/defense service
Congressman Murtha is so well-respected for his first-hand knowledge of military and defense issues that he has been a trusted adviser to presidents of both parties on defense issues and is one of the most effective advocates for the national defense in the country. He is ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a Vietnam combat veteran and a retired Marine Corps colonel with 37 years of service, a rare combination of experience that enables him to understand defense and military operations from every perspective. His honors include The American Spirit Medal, (awarded to fewer than one in 10,000 recruits), Bronze Star , 2 Purple Hearts & Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

The Repbulican Bologger's response:
BD Says:
November 17, 2005 - 22:23 Looks like we need the vets to step forward and take Murtha out for the nation. (click on the date to link to said blog)

  John Kerry ; Then and Now
In response to Bush's argument that congress shares his culbability for the Iraq fiasco Kerry said of his 2002 speech (outlining conditions for granting the President authority to use force in Iraq)" Providing Sadam had those weapons, and providing the President did the other things, which are: 1.) follow-through on the inspections 2.)not go unilaterally;3.) build a legitimate coalition; 4.) Plan Carefully, 5.) Go as a last resort. All of which the president said he would do; none of which he did do. So I said in that very same speech, which the president did not quote, that if you proceeded too rapidly, if you didn't do the things I just described, you could make a volatile region more dangerous, you could attract more terrorists and you would make America less secure, not more."
Thursday, November 17, 2005
  Dick Cheney; Then and Now
30 Jan 1941
Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney born, Lincoln NE.
Nov 1962
Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving.
1963 Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving, again.

1963 Drops out of Yale.

1965 Graduated University of Wyoming.

Oct 1965 Selective Service subjects married men without children to the draft.

1965 Seeks a 3-A deferment (has dependents) when Lynne is ten weeks pregnant.

28 Jul 1966 First child born, nine months and two days after Selective Service announced that married men without children were subject to the draft. Whew, that was close.

1989 "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."

1995 Becomes Chairman and CEO of Halliburton.

Saturday, November 12, 2005
What is Intelligent Design? Visiting Dutch blogger Dimitri Alexander van Zantvliet offers the following comment:"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion.Recent discoveries in quantum physics (the study of the physics of sub-atomic particles) and in cosmology (the branch of astronomy and astrophysics that deals with the universe taken as a whole) shed new light on how mind interacts with matter. These discoveries compel acceptance of the idea that there is far more than just one universe and that we constantly interact with many of these “hidden” universes.So Darwin and ID are both true and false at the same time and an infinite number of therories as well.Nice blog."

Some occourences in the Natural World ARE enough to make you religious. Thousands of neurons transmit electronic messages through chemicals called neurotransmitters across one another. The brain is at the center of it all allowing us to engage in multiple, increasingly complex, unrelated actions at the same time. Have you ever stopped and thought how wonderous this is? That's fine, but it's very different than teaching intelligent design in science class! And to this aim, the neocons have only found another tactic for trying to overturn the scopes trial and teach creationism! Neocons aren't wrong when they say Evolution is only a theory.We don't know that our model of the atom is accurate either (it probably isn't) , but it works in terms of predicting how elements will interact. Darwinism explains why Bonnie dumped you for a gentleman of leisure. Our instincts favor that which enhances the wellbeing of our offspring so our genes reach into the future. Ultimately like the lioness or the she-wolf, humans are innately attracted to he who brings home more than his share of the kill. So a hundred thousand years ago we traded in our quadrapedal frames and keen snouts for arms, legs and stereoscopic vision and what do you know? Guess who cut the line to the top of the food chain?
Friday, November 11, 2005
Part 4: Intelligent Design at work in everyday human life: The interplay between the physical and awe inspiring (complexity of the central nervous system above) and the evolutionary concept of Natural Selection can be found in the uniquely human experience of avoiding premature ejaculation.In this example the human male (Darwinists contend) is interested in his partner's orgasm so that he might improve his chances of mating with her again and further enhancing the probability that his genes will pass into the future. Yes there is a power greater than you. The philosophy (and that's clearly what it is) of Intelligent Design holds that it is his will that in a candidate male mentally focus on NHL referees of the 1970's {(Scove, Friday, Gilmore, Hooks, Meyers, and Wicks (pictured at left)} before his mate has screamed his name or that of the almighty.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
  Republican In Name Only (RINO)
This one was never a contest. With the exception of bar owners and union bosses, has anyone really even said anything bad about the job Mike Bloomberg has done as mayor of New York City? Of lesser notoriety is the fact that after 911, when chairman of Bloomberg LLC, he providedfree office space, technology and telecommunication services and way too much to eat for thousands of displaced Lower Manhattan businessmen (myself included). Here he was in the middle of a close mayoral race, with a political plumb on his plate and he sought not an ounce of free PR. Downside? He was relentless in pursuit of the Olympics, and West Side Stadium. While some may find the mayor's wealth a source of conflict (why do I have to pay this parking ticket doesn't he have enough money?), he might be the least political major office holder of all time.
  Hooray for NJ!

I promised my friend Ed of Franklin Lakes NJ, that I'd never say another bad thing about New Jersey if they elected John Corzine for Governor. During the final debate Saturday night, republican candidate Doug Forrester was called to answer for an add that quoted Corzine's ex-wife,(paraphrasing) 'he let down his family he'll let down New Jersey'. Wow! There's an objective character reference! To his credit Corzine's reply commercial did not likewise defame the adversary, but instead highlighted his Senate record, and reminded the voters how other notorious republican campaigns unjustly but effectively swiftboated many a qualified candidate. Forrester furthermore refused to pull an ad that he admits falsifies Corzine's record by claiming that he voted to raise taxes 110 more times than he actually did! Click on the title of this post to read an accuracy evaluation by, a bipartisan unit of the Annenberg foundation.


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